Bigger Goals
Jerry here. In the spirit of treating 2023 like the last year I get to do things on this planet (don't worry: no bad news received), this page lists the things I will do this year, motivated by What Multiplayer Sensemaking Needs Now.
Monthly Projects
- Storytelling of What Works
- Shared Notes Across Six Tools
- Redesign the Tools for Thinking Podcast
- Present from a NeoDeck
- SenseDo One Issue in Depth
- Inoculate The Big Fungus (Upload Subset of Jerry's Brain to Several T4T Platforms)
- Convene a Virtual T4T Event (Hoedown?)
- Externalize My Writings
- Co-Write a NeoBook (or three)
- Model Being a Cyborg/Centaur (#futureofwork)
- Turbocharge Pattern Languages
- Prototype a Funding Mechanism (the Tiles-to-Mosaic Code-Bounty Flow)
- Convene Six Neighbor Communities
- Brain + ChatGPT
The numbers map to the Bigger Goals.
Criteria for Goal Definition and Sequencing:
- Ease of execution
- Usefulness for Muggles
- Fit with mission
- Interest (pull, from curiosity to passion)
- Availability of funding
- Public relevance, timeliness
- Danger?
- Who cares?
- These goals are all very intertwingled. See Rel8 Bigger Goals Map
- Just making a dent matters
- The bigger pattern matters a lot
- This list is plastic. Feedback will make it more effective.
- Movement building: getting many balls rolling, attracting communities
Potential focal areas (especially for #5, SenseDoing)
- Design from Trust
- Revitalizing Cities
- Regenerative Agriculture
- Productive Political Debate
- How Would a Wise Community Handle a Pandemic like Covid?
- History of Computing (T4T Season Two)
- Pattern Languages (distilled wisdom)
- Identity Politics and Cancel Culture
- Self-Directed Education
- Why Share?
- How Might We End Wars Well?
Overall goals of leveling up:
- How we make decisions together
- How media works, how we think about it